Husband Does my Voiceover | Makeup Tutorial - Irene Khan
Hi Guys! Sorry for the incomplete posts this week!! I have a busy two weeks of traveling coming up so I've been running around like a headless chicken and while I didn't have time to get these product lists at 100% I didn't want to delay posting videos that were ready to go - so if you checked here earlier, so sorry that i forgot all the eye products! Butttttt thanks everyone for all of the wonderful feedback so far - the video's only been up a few hours but the love has been pouring in.. THANK YOU!! Waseem & I did the Husband Does my Makeup Tag awhile ago, so today we were going along that same idea but with a twist! We share our home "office" so I often do my voiceovers with him in the room and he's constantly mocking and imitating me lol so birthed the idea of Husband Does my Voiceover. If there are any other goofy couples you know of on the internets.. send them my video to "tag" them to create their own! Mwah, enjoy!
Irene Khan