GRWM IMATS Afterparty + NYX Giveaway! - Irene Khan
Happy Sunday! Last weekend was IMATS LA and I just loved my makeup for the NYX afterparty! I'm so glad I had the camera rolling while I was getting ready. It's so funny because I always feel like I wear a lot of makeup but then when I go to these beauty events and see all these flawlessly beat faces everywhere I feel like I have nothing on haha so this time I really caked on my undereye concealer, don't be alarmed! ;) I'm sure you guys saw on my social media how legit the swag bag was that we all got at the end of the night. I've barely even made a dent in last year's bag so I decided that this year the right thing to do is to gift most of it to you guys! I'll be holding a giveaway this week with multiple winners - I wanted to include it in this video but it's so much to sort and organize I didn't want to delay getting my video up. Make sure you're following me on Twitter & Facebook because I'll be updating/tweeting regularly with all of the details: how to enter, what the grand prizes are, etc! You do not want to miss out! Enjoy the tutorial!
Irene Khan