Viewing posts in: blogger

How I Made my #LifeGoals a Reality

Every now and then, I will see girls tagging their friends in my photos and say #lifegoals.

It’s funny reading the I wish this was my life comments, because everything I have accomplished and built is completely attainable by anyone. Sometimes I wish I could just scream it through my phone.

I was always the day dreamer looking out the window, I never knew exactly where my life would take me but I knew that I wanted to build it myself. Ever since a very young age I was completely enamored with creating. It could be arts, crafts, or school projects; I just loved being the architect watching my visions come to life and this passion carried over into adulthood. I’ve never worked a 9 to 5 and have always been my own boss and on my own terms, from working as a photo-retoucher, to an internationally-published photographer, and now a blogger living in my dream city. What I’ll decide to dabble in next is a mystery but I’m confident in my passion to learn, explore, and turn it into a living. The last thing I want to do is write a vanity piece on myself *cringe* but so much of my audience is at that pivotal crossroad stage of life, I am hoping that with this post, I can help inspire and provide some guidance.

Let’s face it, everyone wants to be a blogger these days but not everyone has a tech-saavy-photographer-boyfriend or a dream team behind them like a lot of these A-list bloggers do. I always moan that I wish I had the same resources as the girls that I look up to – but the fact is that I don’t. The up-side is that there is such a full sense of satisfaction with every accomplishment, deal-closed, and successful project in the books when it is all done on your own from start to finish. I do hope to have a dream team behind me one day, but I’m proud to say that in the mean time… I got it handled. 🙂

Today I am sharing with you the genesis of my story. No, it wasn’t a makeup class, or sitting in on a blogging seminar.. it was my 7th grade computer class. Yes, a general middle school class that I attended a couple days a week for a quarter of the school year was the catalyst for everything to come over the next 17 years & hopefully the rest of professional life.

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